sharon blackie seminar (viewed on laptop) with accompanying web page (mobile version)
The Jung by the Sea on-demand channel is centred around high quality video content. Alongside this internet-enabled media, we have compiled channel web pages to provide support as you use the channel, in addition to accompanying web pages to work with individual seminars, workshops and themes.
Adapting to current internet engagement patterns, with more people in the UK now using mobile devices to access the internet, we have made versions of the pages for desktop/laptop, tablet and mobile screens. The best option for your screen size will be selected automatically.
This directory outlines the range of topics and foci we cover through our web resources. The channel browser does not currently support the integration of web page links into videos or listings descriptions for subscribers, so this directory page provides an easy route for you to access and navigate between the web pages.
The page will be updated as new online resources are added, so it’s worth bookmarking in your browser. We also provide a PDF ‘reminder’ of this web page address bundled as an ‘extra’ alongside all videos for which we provide additional web based content. See the guide on using this feature here.
video on-demand channel web pages
The core channel web pages can always be found through the On-Demand Channel menu bar and linked to each other. They are compiled to help you get started, answer any queries arising, signpost useful resources and support your CPD.
Whether your interest in Jung is professional, well-developed, or you have just stumbled across our work, the digital channel is aimed at anyone with a curiosity or interest in Jung, be that directly or indirectly.
Our Introduction to the channel provides a welcome, outline of the channel, its origins and aims, and its current digital incarnation around the ‘Centenary Celebration’ event, conceived to mark the Centenary of Jung’s seminars in Cornwall at Sennen Cove (1920) and Polzeath (1923). Subscription content, trailer, format, delivery and pricing is detailed with links to the channel and additional resources.
centenary celebration videos: accompanying web pages
Seminars and workshops are accompanied by web pages with an extended outline of the session, speaker information, links to further reading and details of seminar references. The web pages also give us an opportunity to explore session themes or background topics. The content of each page shifts in response to the session.